
Begin protecting your organisation today by uncovering your attack surface

Explore the powerful capabilities of EdgeProtect, ranging from public data breach analysis to identification of high-risk vulnerabilities.

Email Configuration Analysis

Checks for SPF, DMARC and DKIM records presence and misconfigurations checks to ensure the organisation is protected against email spoofing and tampering attacks.

dNS Record Analysis

Checks for internal IP address disclosure and avenues for subdomain takeover.

Exposed Services

Edge Protect determines whether the organisation exposes software and protocols that are considered high-value targets for attackers, which could provide a pathway into your network.

Domain Analysis

Allowing a domain associated with the organisation to expire can lead to several risks and potential issues. Edge Protect checks for domains related to the organisation that have expired or are marked as available to purchase by resellers.

Vulnerable Software

Edge Protect identifies exposed unsupported and outdated software that are suspect to known vulnerabilities.


3 Vulnerabilities
50% ↑


2 Vulnerabilities
0% Change


0 Vulnerabilities
100% ↓

High Risk Vulnerabilities

Edge Protect identifies vulnerabilities associated with organisation assets that are known to be exploited in the wild by real-world threat groups.

Service Configuration

Edge Protect highlights common service misconfigurations that can be leveraged by an attacker.

Public Data Breach Analysis

Edge Protect analyses public data breaches to identify sensitive information relating to employees that could be leveraged against the organisation.


Discover the unknowns of your attack surface.

Learn more about your online estate and protect it before the attackers get there first.


Proactive Security

Identify vulnerabilities in your attack surface before they are exploited by cyber criminals.


Enhanced Visibility

Gain visibility and control over shadow IT and hidden assets within your environment.


Automated Reports

Recieve detailled security insights regarding your estate without manual effort.


Real World Intelligence

Leverage data on actual threats to help you prioritise your defences.


Discover the unknowns of your attack surface.

Learn more about your online estate and protect it before the attackers get there first.


Proactive Security

Identify vulnerabilities in your attack surface before they are exploited by cyber-criminals.


Automated Reports

Receive detailed security insights regarding your estate without manual effort.


Enhanced Visibility

Gain visibility and control over shadow IT and hidden assets within in your environment.


Real World Intelligence

Leverage data on actual threats to help you prioritise defences.

Get started with Edge Protect today.

Enter your email address below and one of our team will be in touch to learn more about your needs and organise a free trial for you.

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